Here you'll find all the projects/guides I've completed so far. Either click on the pictures or the names to get to the guide.

Plastic beads

Bead Guide

Hmm...Plastic beads. Stuff that tiny drooling children use to make flowers and butterflies, right? Maybe so but I can't actually think of any other material that is as versatile and easy to use for pixel art. There's nothing to it really. Nevertheless, here I'll give you some examples of how to use this material and some pointers along the way.


WEmas cloth

Ah, the mystical art of cross-stitching. Since the dawn of modern society, this has been the privileged occupation of very old ladies who smell funny. well, no more! It's time to conquer this aswell, leaving them with nothing but absent grand children in the wake of our rampage! Hehe, well that's maybe a bit too harsh. Cross-stitching is actually a very suitable way of doing pixelwork though so I strongly recommend that you get rid of any gender related prejudice you might carry towards the craft. This step-by-step guide will show you how to make a small bookmark, geekstyle. I'll also illuminate some of the traps along the way.

Tin molding

D-pad necklace

Molding tin is fun. Period. I mean, it really feels like you are some sort of smith (and smiths are awesome), granted a really low budget one. It is definately the trickiest project I've done thus far but the result can be really pleasing after a few tries and errors. Don't worry though, I'll walk you through the whole process. Specifically, I'll show you how to make a D-pad necklace, worthy even the most faithful church of gaming-follower =)

Glass painting

Mega grog

Hmm, painting glass was both trickier and easier than I had expected. Not something I'm going to do a lot of but it was pretty satisfying. I had been thinking about doing this enormous (well it is 70 cl...pretty big at least) grog glass, that would truely constitute as a Mega Grog. If you don't get drunk from one of these, you're either Russian or an android with built-in super dialysis.